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Wellness Wednesday’s- Quantum Clear Love Language with Diamond Heart Transmission

Wed, Aug 18



Higher Self discussion, ushering in the Lightest fractal of you- your highest self with talking to yourself about yourself with the highest frequency to embody Gold, Emerald Diamond Light, followed by a Diamond Heart Opening Transmission Activation.

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Wellness Wednesday’s- Quantum Clear Love Language with Diamond Heart Transmission
Wellness Wednesday’s- Quantum Clear Love Language with Diamond Heart Transmission

Sacred Journal Release Event

Aug 18, 2021, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM


About The Event

Your Guide: Ascension Alchemy

Jeanette has been on a spiritual journey since birth. As an innately clairvoyant child, she was unaware of how to explain what she could “see” in other people to adults. Jeanette’s Shaman lineage dates back to her great-grandmother, who initially practiced shamanic healing in Los Angeles, CA. Throughout her life, Jeanette exhibited many psychic abilities and had many paranormal experiences due to her sensitivity as an open vessel.Now in present time(lines), Jeanette is recognized as a master healer specializing in removing pain and limitations on the physical, emotional, and cellular levels which opens the door of all possibilities to flow. Jeanette is intuitive, passionate, intentional, and creates a wonderfully safe, serene space in which to perform her magic. She utilizes a wide range of healing techniques from Yogic Science to Quantum Healing Modalities.Jeanette was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. She has given numerous spiritual talks, healing sessions, yoga sessions and meditation classes for adults and children in Los Angeles, Sedona, Guatemala and Tulum since 2010. Jeanette also offers private healing for those who are ready for the next step of their spiritual and personal growth.

Your Medicine: Higher Self discussion, ushering in the Lightest fractal of you- your highest self with talking to yourself about yourself with the highest frequency to embody Gold, Emerald Diamond Light, followed by a Diamond Heart Opening Transmission Activation.

Items Needed:

•Be in a comfortable, quiet space in comfortable clothes

•Fast or eat very light (smoothie or plant based, sugar free yogurt) before the session

•Drink plenty of water the night before and the day of the session

•No caffeine/alcohol/ marijuana before the session

•Notebook & Pen to take notes

•An open & loving heart 💜 Eventbrite Link to invite others:

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