"Embrace the changes, let them flow, For in the unknown, our spirits grow. With courage deep and heart set free, We find our path, our destiny."
Beloved ones, as the final Super Full Moon of the year rises on this magical day, she graces us with both power and clarity. Positioned at 24º Taurus, she draws near, closer than usual, her gravitational embrace wrapping around us, intensifying her pull upon our souls. She calls for us to ground deeply into our roots even as the winds of change blow. This Moon, coupled with the awakening energy of Uranus, stirs the cauldron of transformation. It is a call to release old attachments and make room for new ways of being, beckoning us to step beyond the confines of our comfort and safety.
The illumination of this Moon shines upon those with planets or angles at 24º of the fixed signs, offering a profound opportunity for release, rebirth, and revelation. Yet, we are all touched by her light, invited to look honestly at what keeps us tethered to what no longer serves. She urges us to honor the simplicity of life, to be present within our bodies, and to find stability within as the outer world dances in unpredictable ways.
This Full Moon aligns with the forces of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus—powerful energies that guide us to dive into our shadows, awaken compassion, and transcend the limitations of the known. Through Pluto’s guidance, we may encounter deeper truths, a recognition of what lies hidden in the collective and personal psyche. Neptune calls forth our empathy, reminding us of our interconnectedness and the collective heart we share. Uranus, the Great Awakener, stirs rebellion against stagnation and asks us to boldly walk our unique path, unshackling ourselves from conformity.
Venus, ruling this Moon from her seat in Capricorn, asks us to ground our hearts in integrity and to honor commitments rooted in truth. She squares the Moon’s Nodes, calling us to heal old patterns and invite balance in our relationships with others, ourselves, and our beliefs around abundance and worth. She guides us to find strength in simplicity, wisdom in grounded action, and healing in reconnecting with the body as a sacred vessel.
In the light of this Super Full Moon, we are reminded that change is inevitable and growth unavoidable. We stand at the threshold of transformation, a collective journey of evolution and becoming. Let us honor this moment as sacred, anchoring ourselves in the knowing that we are held by Earth even amidst the storms of transformation.
Journaling Prompt: Reflect on a situation or belief that has kept you feeling "safe" yet stagnant. What is the comfort you receive from holding onto it, and what growth might you experience if you were to release it? How can you begin to embrace change while remaining rooted in your true self?
Crystal Alignment: Malachite – Known as the stone of transformation, Malachite offers strength and courage during times of change. It encourages the release of old patterns and brings healing to emotional wounds. Hold this stone to your heart as you reflect on the growth you’re ready to embrace, allowing its energy to ground and guide you.
Affirmation: “I am rooted in strength and open to growth. I release what no longer serves my highest good, welcoming new possibilities with grace and courage."
Super Full Moon in Taurus Ritual: Embracing Transformation and Grounding
This ritual honors the powerful energy of the Taurus Super Full Moon in conjunction with Uranus, inviting grounding, release, and openness to change. Find a quiet, sacred space where you can feel connected to Mother Earth.
Materials Needed:
A candle (preferably white or green, symbolizing clarity and growth)
A piece of paper and pen
A grounding crystal (such as Malachite, Smoky Quartz, or Hematite)
A bowl of earth or soil
Small bundle of dried herbs (such as sage, cedar, or rosemary) or incense for cleansing
A bowl of water for reflection
Prepare the Space: Begin by cleansing the space with your chosen herb or incense, moving in a clockwise direction around your ritual area. Set your intention to invite clarity and transformation into your life as you connect to the energy of the Full Moon.
Grounding Meditation: Sit with your grounding crystal in one hand and place the bowl of earth in front of you. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and imagine roots extending from your body into the Earth, anchoring you in the here and now. Breathe in the stability of the Earth, and exhale anything that no longer serves you. Feel yourself becoming grounded and steady.
Setting Intentions for Release and Growth: Take the piece of paper and write down anything you feel ready to release—fears, attachments, outdated beliefs, or anything holding you back. Then, on another part of the paper, write what you are ready to welcome—qualities like openness, courage, and adaptability.
Candle Lighting and Reflection: Light the candle, saying aloud:
“Under the light of this Super Full Moon, I release what no longer serves, and I welcome the new paths opening before me. I stand grounded in my truth as I embrace transformation.”
Earthing and Letting Go: Place the paper in the bowl of earth, folding it small if needed. Cover it gently with the soil, symbolizing both the release and the grounding of your intentions. Sit with this action, breathing in peace and surrendering your attachments.
Water Reflection: Gaze into the bowl of water and reflect on the changes you seek, visualizing them unfolding in your life. Imagine this water as the reflection of the Moon’s light, illuminating your path. Say quietly,
“I honor the wisdom within and trust the unknown with courage and grace.”
Close the Ritual: Thank the Moon, the Earth, and yourself for this time. Blow out the candle, imagining the energy of this ritual spreading outward. Allow the soil to return to the earth in a place meaningful to you, symbolizing your commitment to growth and transformation.
Finish by saying,
“I am rooted in strength and open to change. I walk forward in truth, guided by light and grounded in peace.”
After the Ritual: Keep the crystal with you over the next few days to stay grounded, and remember to stay open to the insights, changes, and inspirations that this Full Moon may bring.
Prayer to the Great Mother and Spirit of the Moon
Great Mother, Earth beneath and Sky above, we stand in gratitude beneath the light of this Super Full Moon. Let her clarity reveal the truths we need to see, and let her strength root us firmly in our essence. Guide us to release the old with grace and to welcome the new with courage. May we remember our own resilience as the winds of change blow, knowing that we are supported, that we are grounded, that we are whole.
Spirit of the Moon, guide us through these times of transformation. May we find peace within, may we find strength in our simplicity, and may we walk our path in truth. We offer our hearts in gratitude for the gift of this moment and trust in the journey ahead.
So It Is! ASÉ! I AM.
Yesss, I love this so much and we are already in the energy of this big super full moon in Taurus!!! Transformation and growth, bring it on!!!💜🔥🥰
What a special time it is…thank you for this wisdom 🌕